
Winter Clothing Collection.. read more..

Due to severe cold and potential snow/freezing precipitation in the forecast, the City of Munford will be collecting coats, blankets, gloves, sweatshirts, etc for the elderly and homeless for a short period of time. The collection point is Munford Fire Department at 1375 Munford Ave. Please call 901-837-5960 between the hours of 8:00 am and … Continued

Trash Services Announcement.. Read more…

The City of Munford recently advertised for bids for our residential trash pick-up service serving around 2200 homes in the city. The current contract ends on November 30, 2023, with our current provider being WastePro. We received three bids from trash collection companies currently servicing our area and those bidders were Republic, Sanders Waste, and … Continued

Trash Schedule for Week of July 4th

Monday customers – Pickup on Monday Tuesday customer – one day delay pickup on Wednesday Wednesday customers – one day delay pickup on Thursday Thursday customers – one day delay pickup on Friday Cans need to be out by 6:00 am on your pickup date with the wheels toward your house.  Can should be facing … Continued

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