
Website and Social Media Disclaimer

The City of Munford is committed to providing accurate and timely information to the public through our website, digital sign, and social media.  The City of Munford uses the following websites and social media platforms to enhance public access to The City of Munford Government:  WWW.MUNFORD.COM, and Facebook (City of Munford, Munford Parks and Recreation, Munford Public Works, Munford Tipton County Memorial Library, Munford Police Department, Munford Fire Department, and Centennial Park).  These are the only official web pages used and managed by the City of Munford.  Every effort is made to keep this information current and correct, but the City of Munford cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of all information posted on these sites.


The City of Munford reserves the right to edit and/or remove content  or posts from its website or social media pages.  Information provided on these sites should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, tax or other professional advice.  The user should contact appropriate regulatory agencies to determine accuracy or suitability of the date for a particular use or purpose.


The City of Munford assumes no liability whatsoever for any losses that could or may occur from the use, misuse, or inability to use this website or the materials or information contained on the website or our social media platforms.  The City of Munford also assumes no liability for improper or incorrect use of information contained on its website or related official social media pages.  All material appearing on the website and social media platforms are transmitted “as is” without warranty of any kind and subject to the terms of this disclaimer.

Question regarding information posted can be directed to the City of Munford at (901)837-0171.

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