Munford Fire Department updates.. Read more..

Posted on February 24, 2022

Munford Fire Department Logo

New Wendy’s (11257 Highway 51) to open soon! Hopefully all required final testing will be completed within the next week.

Driving on icy roads – please slow down, leave extra room between yourself and other vehicles. Beware of overhead icy wiring and tree branches which can break without warning.

Fire Safety Tips:

• Clean dryer cabinet and venting to prevent lint build-up which is easily ignited. This also improves efficiency and saves on energy costs.

• Outdoor burning inside Munford City limits is ONLY ALLOWED with a burn permit issued by Munford Fire Department before burning, and only on the day of burning. Requirements include low wind conditions less than 10 mph, small burn pile must be at least 50 ft from any structure, no overhead wiring or tree branches, a connected water hose must be available. Material to be burned must be natural wood (not painted or pressure treated), no household trash allowed to be burned. Once a permit is issued, the fire must be attended, and be put out by dark. Only ignite the pile with small amount of lighter fluid or newspaper, NEVER USE GASOLINE OR OTHER FLAMMABLE LIQUID. There is no cost for the permit. MFD non-emergency phone 837-5960.

• Please do not call the Munford Fire Department business phone number to report that someone has fallen needing help to get up, having chest pains, had a small fire that has been extinguished, etc. Due to the call volume, other assignments or being out of the station away from the phone only delays fire department response. Call 911 to report emergencies for the quickest response. Our 911 dispatchers are highly trained to get you the proper fire/EMS services expeditiously!

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