Effective immediately ALL Tennesseans 12+ are eligible to be vaccinated (Pfizer). The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines continue to be available to individuals age 18 and older.
The Tipton County Health Department continues to offer COVID Vaccines on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30am-10:00am. Wednesday from 1:00pm-2:30pm. By appointment (https://vaccinate.tn.gov/) or drive-up anytime. For more information please call 901.476.0235.
There are options for any of the top three vaccines Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson in Tipton County. Visit https://vaccinefinder.org/ to find the vaccine you would like to receive, and it’s availability.
COVID testing continues at the Tipton County Health Department on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Self-Test and Tuesday and Thursday for Drive Through 1:30-2:30pm.
Anyone with concerns about their health or the health of a family member is invited to call us, 901.476.0235. We’re providing this testing at no cost to participants, and test results may be available within 48 hours after the samples arrive at the lab, depending on lab volume.
Nurses will collect nasals swabs and anyone tested should be prepared to isolate themselves at home while awaiting their test results.
Everyone wishing to be tested for COVID-19 should be prepared to share their contact information so health department staff members can provide their test results.
Everyone tested will be contacted about their results, whether they are negative or positive, and given further instructions to protect their health and the health of those around them.
Tennessee’s Coronavirus Public Information Lines are open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., CDT daily at 877-857-2945.